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ARA Letter Urges Congress Support for Snake River Dams

Jan 29 2024

On Jan. 29, ARA sent a letter to Congress urging them to support the Snake River Dams ahead of the House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Energy, Climate, and Grid Security held a hearing, “Exposing President Biden’s Plan to Dismantle the Snake River Dams and the Negative Impacts to the United States" on Jan. 30.

Witnesses include senior Biden Administration officials representing the US Department of Energy, US Army Corps of Engineers, Bonneville Power Administration, and Council on Environmental Quality. There were also several private sector witnesses representing the energy, agricultural, and waterways industry. 

ARA submitted a letter for the hearing record in strong support of maintaining and improving the Snake River Dams as they serve a critical role in the Pacific Northwest related to renewable energy, barge transportation, food security, quality of life, and economic growth and competitiveness.

Click here to view the subcommittee hearing, including background information on this issue.